Boulder Shake Chocolate Porter

I was at my local bar and a very specific beer caught my friend’s eye as she was perusing the 50+ taps of micro brews; a chocolate shake beer. She quickly ordered one for herself and came back to our table with it like a proud mama duck. She takes a sip and says “WAIT.. IT’S AN EGG CREAM!” In case you don’t know what an egg cream is because you’re not a 1950’s soda jerk and think it may actually involve egg let me be your Craig David and fill you in (you know… like his song. still no one? Okay… nothing like kicking things off with a joke with an insanely narrow scope; the kid’s still got it!). So; an egg cream is chocolate milk with seltzer added to it so it’s bubbly. It’s better than it sounds too, I love a good egg cream. Sidebar: let’s bring back old school soda shops. Everything else vintage is in. I can picture them in Williamsburg now…..But let’s add booze to that equation; that makes everything better; except maybe especially family reunions.  Anyway, I took it from her hands real quick citing “research purposes” for ABR and psyched myself up for great tastes. My hopes were set pretty high knowing it has egg cream qualities, and it did not disappoint one bit.

Boulder Beer (Boulder, CO)

ABV: 5.9%


The look of Boulder Shake Chocolate Porter is similar to any beer you would find on a nitro tap. Creamy, white head and a rich full chocolate hued body. The smell is like that of a nice, deep cocoa and vanilla flavors. Like what you would smell if you ordered a chocolate milkshake with like a little dark chocolate in there. I might have drooled but that’s neither here nor there… it’s time to drink!

A choir of angels began to echo the most beautiful songs i have ever heard (wait, no. that was just my friends singing along to that foster the people song); but I’m at least 90% sure that time did stand still while I drank it. It was truly excellent. All those hail mary’s I said for my last confession must have worked; God sent his forgiveness message in a keg. Maybe this beer is one of his “8th day” specials; you know… like cheese fries, buffalo wings, everything bagels, and pizza. It really does taste similar to an egg cream, but if the base was a porter or stout instead of seltzer and milk. Rich chocolate, light carbonation, and a smooth mouthfeel. It’s nothing short of a beautiful beer that you can drink until you feel physically ill; and I highly recommend doing just that.

1 Comment

  1. Michael C Cronin

    after reading this review the fat, egg cream loving kid in me had to have it. Went out and bought a 6 pack…It is very good, definitely egg creamy, but still seemingly light carbonation. There’s an awesome raw aftertaste of coffee beans or cocoa that keeps you coming back for more

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