Rolling Rock Review

Rolling Rock(AB InBev)

American Adjunct Lager

ABV: 4.6%


Rolling Rock is your prototypical American adjunct lager and it is everything you would expect it to be: light, refreshing(sort of), and most importantly; dirt cheap. When bought as a 12 pack in my insanely overpriced area, it typically can be bought after taxes and recycling deposits for less than a single Hamilton (that’s a reference to a $10 bill in case you’re some sort of communist).  I strongly believe that you spend money on quality and you look to save it when there is no distinct upgrade; and this beer certainly fits that mold. The sea of American adjunct lagers is vast and largely tastes the same (exception: any beer with ice after the name which are a new level of hobo/college student).  Actually, I would bet if you did a blind taste test of American adjunct lagers you would not be able to tell that Rolling Rock was 20-40% cheaper than its competition. Using this drunkenomics logic, there is just no reason for me to shell out an extra $4 so my can says Coors on the label.

This is classic American piss water beer. Don’t believe me? Ask your middle aged alcoholic uncle what beers he drinks. He will say Budweiser(that means bud heavy for you pansies) and Rolling Rock. This is a beer ideal for chugging contests, keg stands, being so self-loathing that you need to drink 12 beers a day, or appearing slightly above frat house antics when we all know you aren’t. You know, all of the things I love about binge drinking in America. This beer isn’t about a smooth finish or complex taste profiles – it’s about getting so drunk you post in the Craigslist missed connections section about the girl who gave you an extra cup of nacho cheese for free at the Taco Bell drive-thru.

This beer’s history is essentially the American dream as well. You know, the classic, time-tested story of a big business(Anheuser Busch) buying out a local beer company that had spent the last 80+ years growing its brand to a nationally recognized name, logo and reputation. AB then did the next most American thing possible by moving the brewery out of the town that built the brand (Latrobe, PA), basically bankrupting an entire city to cut some costs. Heartwarming stuff, and capitalism at its finest. Maybe that’s depressing to you, but I’ll ask you after you get from $4 of Rolling Rock (roughly 5 beers) and see if you still care. You won’t. God Bless America.