Samuel Smith’s Pure Brewed Organic Lager

Samuel Smith’s Pure Brewed Organic Lager (Old Brewery, UK)

ABV: 5%

I’m an American, but I generally like the British.  Except for the whole Revolutionary War thing…and the war of 1812….and that whole Kate Middleton obsession.  Yes, she’s kind of hot but what’s the deal?  Anyway, their beer is typically good stuff.  Samuel Smith is the oldest Yorkshire Brewery, which is the area of England you need to be an alcoholic to survive, aka all of it.  Needless to say if a brewery has survived for over 300 years there they have got to be doing something right.  Plus, everyone in creation loves their oatmeal stout.  So I thought for 4.99 I would give their large bottle of Pure Brewed Organic Lager a try!  OH BOY THE LET DOWN I WAS IN FOR!

Organic beer.  Cool?  I don’t really buy most of the whole organic movement and I’m not sure how it is supposed to affect overall beer quality.  VEGAN BEER?  I wasn’t concerned about this but ok?  Who is putting animal products in beer anyway?  (yes I know about VERY FEW BREWERIES that still use rennet or fish stomach or whatever it is for clarifying).  Calling a beer as organic vegan sounds like a bunch of hippie marketing nonsense to me.  For all of these 2014 buzzwords I was expecting to taste fresh wheat right out of the field with a light dash of hops resting on top.  Not even slightly close to the truth.  You can tell it’s not an adjunct lager; the rice doesn’t pop out.  There is a slight fruity-apple smell which is nice, but I don’t pick any of that up in the taste.  The taste is light and clean…watery, with no real sign of hops.  Very uninspiring.  I have been to England exactly one time and the vast selection of beers I tasted on tap in the many local pubs were better than this.