Troegs Mad Elf Ale
I was recently on a trip for my job and one night I decided to pick up a 6 pack of a craft beer that would get me a little buzzed before I passed out alone in my motel room. I had one… (READ MORE)
I was recently on a trip for my job and one night I decided to pick up a 6 pack of a craft beer that would get me a little buzzed before I passed out alone in my motel room. I had one… (READ MORE)
It’s that wonderful time of year again when we put grievances aside and sit down to stare at our extended families. Luckily, we have alcohol to ease the pain. If you are anything like my family when you get together for a… (READ MORE)
I am friends with a lot of white girls and it’s the fall which means three things to them; wanting to go apple picking (for a maximum of a half hour, then they’re suddenly over it and want to just… (READ MORE)
Imperial Pumking Southern Tier Brewing Co, Lakewood NY ABV: 8.6% Smell: Pumpkin pie! Taste : Hops, crisp pumpkin bits, cinnamon Style: Imperial Pumpkin Ale BUCTDIOS# : 4 Every white girl I know loves pumpkin flavored ANYTHING. That’s just… (READ MORE)